Acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition, can reduce inflammation, increase blood supply to the uterus, minimize the effects of stress, and balance hormones to optimize your ability to conceive.
"I had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years, and within about 3 months under Jennifer's care I conceived, and I am now in my third trimester!"
When Trying to Conceive Naturally
We understand how stressful trying to conceive can be both physically and mentally. Let us support you through this journey.
How can acupuncture help?
Increases blood supply to your uterus and thickens the uterine lining for implantation
Reduces the impact stress hormones can have on your reproductive system
Supports each phase of your cycle: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation and luteal phase
Increases blood supply to the follicles for better egg quality
What is the treatment plan?
Weekly acupuncture treatments
Herbal formulas that are custom made for the imbalances we see in you as an individual
Specific nutritional supplements that can help your individual case
Dietary and lifestyle recommendations to improve your fertility
The goal is not only to help you conceive but to create an ideal environment to carry and deliver a healthy baby.
My approach can help with any of the following conditions related to fertility:
Ovarian Reserve
Elevated FSH
Luteal Phase Defect
Male Factor Infertility
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Recurrent Miscarriages
Stress Related Hormone Imbalance
Unexplained Infertility
Ovarian Cysts