Acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition, can reduce inflammation, increase blood supply to the uterus, minimize the effects of stress, and balance hormones to optimize your ability to conceive.
"I had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years, and within about 3 months under Jennifer's care I conceived, and I am now in my third trimester!"
support for IVF
Recent studies have concluded that using acupuncture while undergoing IVF treatments can significantly increase the chances of conceiving. Acupuncture treatments before and after transfers are proven to be beneficial, however, to maximize the benefits of Chinese medicine, weekly treatments are recommended for at least two months prior to the start of IVF.
When should I begin treatment?
Acupuncture can help support you at any point in your IVF journey, however, a new study has shown that using acupuncture, herbal medicine and targeted dietary and lifestyle recommendations for at least two months prior to starting an IVF cycle, resulted in higher birth rates than patients who only received acupuncture on the day of their embryo transfer. You can read that study here.
If I am about to start an IVF cycle tomorrow, am I too late?
Absolutely not. We can help you and support you wherever you are in the process. To understand exactly how we help you in each stage, keep reading below.
How can acupuncture help?
Increases blood supply to your uterus and thickens the uterine lining for implantation
Reduces the impact stress hormones can have on your reproductive system
Increases blood supply to the follicles for better egg quality
Decreases uterine contractions which can help with implantation
Patients report a decrease in stress and a reduction of adverse effects from fertility medications
What is the treatment plan once you begin an IVF cycle?
During the stimulation phase, I recommend acupuncture treatments twice a week. It is during this time that we want to enhance the effects of the medication and help stimulate and nourish your follicles as much as possible.
After your egg retrieval, acupuncture can help you recover from uncomfortable bloating, constipation or any other discomfort you might be feeling
Prior to your transfer, we will focus on growing and thickening your uterine lining as well as diminishing any possible inflammation to ensure the best chances for implantation.
Post-transfer, acupuncture can help support progesterone levels, keeping them elevated to increase the chances of a positive pregnancy test.
support for an IUi cycle
How can acupuncture help?
Increases blood supply to your uterus and thickens the uterine lining for implantation
Reduces the impact stress hormones can have on your reproductive system
Increases blood supply to the follicles for better egg quality
Decreases uterine contractions which can help with implantation
Patients report a decrease in stress and a reduction of adverse effects from fertility medications
What is the treatment plan once you begin an IUI cycle?
During the follicular phase (pre-ovulation), I recommend acupuncture treatments twice a week. It is during this time that we want to help nourish and stimulate follicle growth as much as possible.
Post-ovulation/insemination, acupuncture can help support progesterone levels, keeping them elevated to increase the chances of a positive pregnancy test.